The female equivalent of a cock block.
Jennifer was trying to get with Bob, but her friend Betsy walked in and totally wall stalled Jennifer.
The act of waiting outside of an occupied single stall bathroom door with the intention of swooping down to the toilet as soon as occupier is finished to drop anchor.
I was stall hawked by this dick yesterday while trying to take a leisurely shit.
When at lunch your friend escorts you to the bathroom and as you go in the stall she stealhily sneaks in with you. Resulting in hot passionate bathroom sex. Of course this only works with lesbians...unless it's a unisex bathroom?
Jennifur had been checkin me out alll day so I wasn't surprised when she used the stall sneakage attack to get inside my pants. It was all good til we fell into the toilet...
When you have already taken a shit in a public bathroom and realize you are out of tp and have to get up with your pants around your ankles and waddle to the next stall for toilet paper.
Man I saw a dude stall jumping in the bathroom trying to get some tp, that shit was nasty.
Walking into the bathroom and looking into every single stall before determining which one is of the highest quality for your dump-taking.
Mindy: You took an awful long time in the bathroom!
Kate: Yeah, it was a mess in there. I had to do some serious stall shopping.
A moment when your mind completely locks up, and needs to be manually be set back in motion. Similar to a brain fart, but a brain stall can cause a long period of inactivity unless voluntarily EASED back into a conversation or thought process.
Person 1: "Hey, what are you watching?"
Person 2:"..."
Person 1: "Hey!"
Person 2: "Uhh, errr, wait what?"
Person 1: "Are you okay?"
Person 2: "Uhh, yeah, I just had a bit of a brain stall..."
In the men's bathroom, a urinal left empty between two men so as to prevent the increase of awkwardness
Steve - "You know what a separation stall is, right?"
Rob - "Yeah. Why?"
Steve - "Well, I was using a urinal with no one else in the bathroom when another man came in and used the stall right next to me. He totally forgot a separation stall"
Rob - "Ouch."