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Spooky Stork

A term used to describe a slightly frightening avian creature, or a spooky stork. Also used as a slightly hurtful name.

Me: Woah, that's one Spooky Stork!

by StanTheStork December 19, 2013

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stork the baby

When you wrap a baby up in a blanket and carry the blanket like a stork would in those cartoons.

Don’t wake him up. Just stork the baby and bring him to his crib.

by shifty hobo April 2, 2019

Stork Puppet

The act of fisting an anorexic female.

Kate Moss is a total Stork Puppet.

by Cave Moss January 28, 2012

storked up


1) the state of being pregnant; knocked up.

2) to get a girl pregnant or knocked up.

1) Did you see Cindy? She's 6 months storked up.

2) Did you see Dave? He's all nervous because he storked up his girlfriend's sister.

by scharky February 1, 2018

Getting Stork

Engaging in sexual intercourse with a female. Of or pertaining to sexual relations with a female.

"Getting Stork"

Denise is coming over later so we gotta hit the pharm. and get condoms. I'm trying to get some stork tonight.

Yo that girl is all over you! Better call you a cab, I think she's trying to get storked!

by BensonP September 4, 2015

stork out

V. To get stoned and work out

I'm going to stork out and see if I can do an hour on the elliptical!

by maybeclever June 27, 2014

Stork Legs

When a skinny ass girl wears black leggings.

"DAMN! You see that girl over there in them black leggings, Jack?!"

"Yeah dude she got some Stork Legs!!"

by Starbucks&Uggs&Selfies4Lyfe September 5, 2017