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A Country.

Taiwan is a country in my highly subjective opinion.

by SomeSodaCanV.1 July 2, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A country located in Taiwan Island of East Asia, whose official name is 'Republic of China'. This official name is usually questioned by majority of Taiwanese people, so they claim the official name should be changed to 'Republic of Taiwan'.

A: Republic of China is the country in East Asia which rules Taiwan.
B: No Republic of China! Republic of Taiwan!

by intrastella9999 May 8, 2016

5πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A selfish arrogant unloving man. He is a narcissistic sociopath , he has multiple personalities and is pretty much worthless and holds no place as a family man. He will always cheat on his girlfriend and then treat her as though she is a liar and cheater . He will never accept the fact that he was wrong . He thinks he is the smartest most wise man who ever walked the earth. He cares about himself and could care less about anyone else . He believes that he is nice looking and flawless . He is convinced that every woman wants him . He will never love you. The sex will be unbelievably good if you are looking for a good lay but without any emotion or affection involved.

If you found yourself with a Taiwan β€” leave fast before he completely tears your life into a million pieces.

-There he is it’s Taiwan , he is the sexy buff black dude looking our way.

- Look at those fresh new Jordan’s Taiwan is wearing !
- Taiwan broke that girls heart only because she was too innocent and new to the game.

- Omg is that Taiwan with some new chick this week ?

- Taiwan really hits the trailer park hard hunting for his new wifey .

by So real stay trill October 31, 2019

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

West Taiwan

The People's Republic of China

Careful, you might get disappeared in West Taiwan!

by AW777 March 31, 2021

152πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

West Taiwan

As the name implies, Taiwanese land west of Mainland Taiwan illegally oppressed by CCP bandits (also known as "gongfei"). Includes Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau.

Bart: TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE! mAiNLaNd tAiWaN iZ n0t pArT 0f tAiWaN! but maybe part of Japan

Justin: Mainland Taiwanese cannot abandon their 1.4 billion compatriots suffering in occupied West Taiwan

by 君子FromNowhere June 11, 2021

126πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Taiwan Jones

To fail the fuck out ya midterm

college student 1: how'd u do on the test

college student 2: i stayed up real late the night before partying and probably taiwan jonesd it

by BigBadBuc October 20, 2017

West Taiwan

The true name for what some people call "china"

"china" isn't a country, it's just west taiwan

by I_farted May 10, 2022

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