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On the test

Something that is important to know. Questions on a test are something you need to know the answer to.

Knowing your best friend's cell number is on the test.

by EOP165 August 28, 2019

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A test of sorts

I am testing this website.

by BigPapaJimmy69 October 27, 2018

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Is the only way to find out whether certain expectations are met or not

Person 1: Dude! I have a test tomorrow
Person 2: Did you study for it
Person 1: No
Person 2: You're screwed

Mike: I'm testing the new Jeep tomorrow, wanna go?
Sarah: Sure

by camelknight December 27, 2011

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a method by which stupid things are tried to see if they work

i tested the torn parachute. it didn't work.

by chickenface01 May 3, 2011

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Able to be tested

He was trying to write a paper and used testful to save himself.

by SBananarama January 24, 2015

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by Matvey_support January 13, 2019


the worst thing of your life
the teacher says "This is going to be on the TEST" but come test day there's nothing close to what they said
waste of time

Tomorrow you will have test on math here is all the stuff on the test
The next day: There's nothin on here mannn

by nunyourbussines January 25, 2018