Source Code


adjective used to describe one who's over reacting and looking depressed.

At the moment, my girlfriend is all depression and emotional, she's so O.C.

by vincie April 28, 2007

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(out of control) An abreviation for someone or a situation that is not of the norm. In some instances could be considered an insult or a compliment. (might also be read as 'outta control')

This party is O.C.!
Bitch, don't get all O.C. on my ass!
(Your dad is so hot, he's outta control.)

by Lauren L and Liz W August 5, 2003

5๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

The O.C.

A show that proves rich people have problems too.

The show was really good until Ryan ditched his Black-Leather Outfit and went all Hollister.

Haha! Stupid Calis!

Ryan looked so badass in black, now he wears a bunch of prep clothes.

by B 2 da A 2 da L C King August 19, 2005

11๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


o.c. means outta control, which is a person who is just crazy

2 boys are standing together and a girl one of the boys like walked by and one boy was like aint that the girl you like! and he said it loud and the other boy was like man you o.c. cuz he said it loud and busted him out

by LaToya B June 3, 2005

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Outta Control

That girl was o.c at the party the other night.

by dani92 August 12, 2011

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1.Overly caucasian

2. Being another race and being too white

Joey, your so O.C.

Is he O.C.?

by friesxnxcoke December 3, 2006

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1. A term used for a ugly overconfident girl who thinks she is the shit.
2. The term used for a girl that is so fat that she is the size of Orange county

SHe is a bit O.C., she's not even hot.

by Motha Sucka June 1, 2006

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