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big bang club

Women who only flirt with or date men who are "Hunks." They only have eyes for guys who are 250plbs plus, and hung! Because they don't thing other guys with more modest builds can satisfy them. They're wrong.

John; "Hey Joe, you see how she blew me off?"
Joe; "Don't take it personally, man. She's in the big bang club. Only likes big men to bang her hard...rough sex."

by Cyborg Johnny May 16, 2022

Big bang Stupid

The act of being so stupid- that it seems like your stupidness was an early result of the Big bang.

Person 1: β€œDude, have you seen her? She is Big bang stupid.”
Person 2: β€œI know right! It affects me.”

by Pawsie10 February 16, 2022

big bang theory

The belief that God banged a woman and 9 months later, our universe was born from the massive vagina. Also a compromise for the battle of Science vs God. In this compromise, no one is wrong.

"I thought God promoted abstinance."
"No man, obviously you haven't heard of the big bang theory."

by inco_nto September 22, 2009

190πŸ‘ 348πŸ‘Ž

The Big Bang Theory

A famous, funny TV show starring Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting, and Johnny Galecki about a group of nerds and their antics.

The name describes the show accurately, there are a lot of people having big bangs with each other.

The Big Bang Theory is the best show ever.

by We Are Anonymous November 13, 2014

20πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Big Bang Theory

The belief that nothing exploded into everything.

By definition it is a religion and most atheists believe in it.
So, therefore, atheists are religious.

The Big Bang Theory is a religion, didn't ya know?

by HalcyonMetal December 21, 2010

182πŸ‘ 363πŸ‘Ž

Big bang pal

A long lasting friend. One who has been with you since the beginning of something.

Friend 1: I appreciate you sticking with me

Friend 2: Of course! We are big bang pals! we go way back!

Friend 1: Dandy!

by Cubchoo4lyf October 3, 2014

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

big bang theory

The name of an orgy containing more than 10 people, it was the best thing in the world hence the nerds adapted the name for creation of the universe(what they thought to be the best)

Yo bitch lemee show u my big bang theory, round up ur hoe chearleaders

by YO MY HO February 24, 2003

101πŸ‘ 245πŸ‘Ž