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A girl who will never be better looking that ugly, no matter how much plastic surgery she pays for.

Ewwww! How can he date that perma-ug?!

by frenchified August 6, 2005

Ug lee

Girls that wear weird stuff like high emoji socks with a a black jacket and sandals are ug lee

Christian: damn
Jaidon: what
Christian: see that girl over there
Jaidon: yeah
Christian: SHE’S UG LEE

by Datboichristian January 11, 2018

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Defined as a female that needs a bag over her head 24/7.

ex. 2 - "damn look at that hoe she got a ug-mug"

by TheNastyOne82 May 9, 2011

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UG ass

Adjective / Definition: Uncle Grandpa lookin' ass (noun here)

Could also describe the word: Ugly, Strange, Different, ect

That UG ass haircut needs to be fixed

by Funtime Freddy February 1, 2021

Ug Lee

A nickname given to those who personify ugliness.

"Hey, look! it's Stan Lee's fifth cousin, Ug Lee!"

by Mr. Trivia June 26, 2007

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bucks and ugs

Reference to a middle class white privilege girl (usually sporting Ugs and holding the starbucks flavor of the moment)
Coming or going to community collage. Loves jesus but mad at daddy. Always entilted to more. Not a raciest because of her black friend.

"Meet any girls last night?"
"No, place was full of shallow Bucks and Ugs doing shelfies."

by brickeycrow January 13, 2018


a hug in which the hug-er (one initiating the hug) is grotesquely unattractive, so the hug-ee (the one recieving the hug) tries to stay as far away as possible while still making some kind of body contact

usually lasts no more than a second

guy 1: "Look at Helga trying to give poor Brandon a hug."
guy 2: "Yea! He's totally giving her the ug-hug."

by tigerwoodsyall983 February 26, 2008

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