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A catch-all used to in place of an action or thing; to go or do something quickly.

"I need to whisk off early tonight"
"Have you completed the whisk?"
"Have you whisked that job yet mate?"

by redowl September 27, 2019


Something Daniel Howell is not happy about


by Dam whisk August 14, 2017


it means to mix and mix it and mix it

tiny elephants : we don’t speak about whisks !!!

by arianaisbest May 15, 2022


The motion is a rotating hand motion thats circular. So like a circle "group "

I rolled up with a whisk of the home. Blasting and trapping my homies be gaking.

by Smashleyblashley February 9, 2025


1.) A Whisk is someone who is an absolute G.O.A.T of a community manager and is always there for their community.
2.) An extremely old lady (Rumored to pre-date the big bang)

The best cm ever award goes to Whisk.

What a whisk.

by Tesscynessa_wrld February 12, 2025

Redneck whisk

When you get a fork, preferably rusty and the forks are bent, and you insert it into the vagina, then you spin it around.

Omg I cant believe he came in me, now I'll have to use the Redneck whisk method.

by BIGGUS_DICKUS1984 November 23, 2020

Redneck whisk

When you get a fork, preferably rusty and the forks are bent, and you insert it into the vagina. Then you spin it around.

Omg I cant believe he came inside me, I dont have enough money to get an abortion so it looks like ill have to use the Redneck whisk method.

by BIGGUS_DICKUS1984 November 23, 2020