A newly trending word that refers to when someone thought they did something but it was actually lame. However, this word tends to be used be the school band type kids that think they are cool, making the word even cringier.
Band Kid: Look guys, Brandon’s bells are probably the size of his p*nis.
Brandon (Other Band Kid): Shut up boi. You Though You Ate
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Ddot:You’re gonna die on Fortnite
Fab not me y’all stay safe though
Ddot:You’re gonna die on Fortnite
Fab not me y’all stay safe though
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Something you say to confuse a questioning party when they want you to do something you really don't want to do.
Want to go harass old people at the grocery store? For because why maybe no for why though?
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Term that can be used when one in opposition threatens to do something other (and lesser) than fight you.
Term that can be used when one in opposition makes what seems to be an empty threat.
Is to be said quickly and with furrowed brow.
See also: you won't though.
"Take the last cupcake and see what happens."
"You won't fight me though."
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When its Friday and you listen to techno music on YouTube all night. Usually techno Tuesday even though its Friday is sung in a certain way.
Bob: Hey Tod what did you do this friday? Tod: Oh, I pulled a techno tuesday even though its friday
Usually paired with a picture of a broken monitor, laptop, phone, etc to ironically to make fun of people who do ERP (erotic roleplay) on discord.
Person 1: ahhh that was so fun
person 2: ''Damn shawty that e sex was crazy though'' (insert picture of broken monitor)
An alternate form of sayin that you (Or someone else) is joking.
Buddy 1 : I got so drunk last night, I took that broads v-card!
Buddy 2 : Your kidding me, you took her down?!
Buddy 1 : No, but you could imagine what it would be like though, right?
Buddy 2 : Oh you sly dog!
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