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white trash

we r honeslty rlly fucking chill peoplez with real good fucking personatility unlike you boring ass people who think ur so smart nd educated. Ian speaking for all white trash, buh we're not even that bad. Like jus let us smoke our pot and we'll leave u alone. Also its not true that we're missing teeth, we never shower, live off food stamps, welfare, mooch off of others, drop out of highschool, blow all our cash, always drinking and doing drugs like meth. I still go to school everyday, I work and make my own bread, I don't do hard drugs, just smoke a little bit of weed with my freind every now and then, and so what that I like rap music and listen to Kid Rock, swear all the time, wear a ton of makeup, waer small clothes and like Walmart. I ain't pissing anybody off or trying to start fights with people over bullshit. White trash ppl r sick nd the world needs more of them since there's so many boring squares around or fucking rich kids who think they the shit wehn they're not. Maybe being white trash is a good thing.

I'm white trash and I don't care

by goofbitchx June 16, 2022

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

white trash

Low-information Caucasoids who gravitate to a shameful socio-economic status. They can be seen or found at the return merchandise line at Wal-Mart, local recycling centers and at Golden Corral. They drive beat up filthy dirty oil burning cars without mufflers. They are often the subject of car repossession programs on TV as they tend to purchase used cars they can't afford. When they have enough credit to finance a car, they often abuse it to the point that its ruined before they turn 21. White trash women usually birth numerous children in their late teens or early 20's only to dump them on parents or grandparents to raise. Always screwing family and friends out money and then disappearing when it comes time to pay it back. They mistaken tattoo parlors for art museums. Their idea of an intellectual discussion is watching Al Sharpton on MSNBC. They record TV programs like "Full Throttle Saloon" and Jerry Springer and actually believe James Bond is a REAL person. The illiteracy prevails to the point that much of white trash America still believes Obama's campaign slogan of "Hope and Change", and that it applies to them. Lifestyle is known as either an "8 or 10". Meaning, the mobile home they live in is either 8 feet wide, or the more luxurious 10 foot wide version, complete with a litter of pit bull dogs, broken down appliances and a jumbo size velvet painting of Elvis in the living room.

You live in a 10?
Now that's big time white trash livin!

by HubbaDubba February 22, 2014

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


People who are inconsiderate of their neighbors and put garbage, like old bicycles and cars in front of their house as lawn decorations. Generally uneducated and are breeders. Also tend to have one or two mentally slow siblings in the family. They buy used, shit cars and also take government handouts. Usually, if employed, work menial jobs like child care (baby sitting) or raking leaves for the town's public works department.

The Schlosses are such white trash, how do you like their front lawn? They painted and old bicycle which is now the centerpiece of their hillbilly garden.

by J. Harrier April 21, 2004

24๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

white trash

1. Caucasians who constantly believe their "way of life", religion, etc. is under attack by "lazy, no-good niggers" while collecting welfare and foodstamps

2. Any ignorant, stupid, bigotted caucasian who believes they are better or somehow more clever than others

1. Wal-Mart is a mecca for those of the "white trash" persuasion.

2. How did that "white trash" make it into the White House?

by BC in OP July 31, 2005

88๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

White trash

People who buy slutty clothing from Goodwill. Usually are named after cars.

"Mercedes is looking extra white trash today."
"Yeah, I saw her and Ferrari go into Goodwill yesterday."
white trash slutty cars goodwill trailer park

by harakers February 23, 2015

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White Trash

Usually refers to a low class white individual who pretends to be better than they are. They go on lavish vacations while their cars are being repossessed. They typically have daughters who give birth before marriage. Many white trash families consist of many children of different fathers. They often live in mobile homes.
White trash often takes credit for every little thing they do, in order to feel better about themselves. It is important to them that they be thought of as upstanding in family and community even though they have never done anything of real value. These people will often blow off any friends they make of true upper standing because they can't stand to see themselves compared, or try to make upperclass friends in order to be thought of by outsiders as being of the same class.

White trash often have their utilities shut off on one late payment because of poor payment history. This usually happens because the money was spent on a large ticket item they couldn't afford to begin with.

by Probably Your Worst Nightmare June 4, 2008

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White Trash

Ugly, filthy whore who will chase after anyone, including trying to sleep with her brother-in-law.

Patrisha is a perfect example of white trash because she is bankrupt, has nothing, and marries older, ugly men who have money in order to get their money. Then, they continue to show what white trash they are because they chase after many other men, including their brother-in-law.

by Professor Kaputso February 2, 2015

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