An older male whose wonderful effeminate nature, lustfull look and acerbic comments lead co-workers to giggle like altar boys at Seminarian hazing.
Father O'brien can't Vo Nam the boys until the case is settled!
5👍 3👎
The blades on the hubcaps of tricked out cars that often belong to minorities or some white folks.
Don't fool with my ride when we rollin cuz I'm sittin on trus and vos.
10👍 10👎
A Real Nigga with a Missing tooth
That nigga Vo a Hunnit
verb, abbreviation of "volume yo-yo" the act of lowering the volume during television commercials then raising it again when the regular program resumes.
"I hate watching TV with my dad, he's hard of hearing so we have to turn it way up, but he hates commercials and wants them muted, so we have to play vo-yo the whole time."
A name for a big and strong man
Look at this guy's mullet! He's so strong!
Vo Schofield
Hayden vos is a 14 year old dumbass bitch who sucks older guys cocks under the bleachers while everyone fucking watches,
yo did you see Hayden vos '.oh yeah he blew me last night never came faster in my life
Kenny Vo is a yes man and you don’t know!
You don’t know, but you’re a Kenny Vo!