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adj - not up to expectations; "a disappointing performance from one who had seemed so promising" Generally used by posh blokes with long hair and rippled six-packs. Occasionally prefixed by the word 'extremely' to express a greater level of concern over his hopes, desires, intentions or expectations being dashed.

His retiring foe Shrinks from the wound, and disappoints the blow - Addison

That treble 20 has to go down as extremely disappointing - Cox

by Andreas Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe of Roxburgh June 22, 2004

8👍 8👎


Twitter user

"Check out that disappointment, they must have no father"

by vjedvikh September 28, 2021



2020 was a Disappointment

by david_betrayed31 November 15, 2020


What the Bengal fans felt during the 2022 Super Bowl.

Major disappointment this years 'bowl was.

by CaptainBullshit69 May 3, 2022


A disappointment is definitely not you Jason .-_.-

Jason is not a disappointment

by Someone clinically depressed August 12, 2020



"you are the biggest disappointment ever!"

by Animeforlifebitch August 29, 2020


When your girl best friend says she’ll send you nudes because she’s single but then gets another boyfriend before she sends her you any.

this is such a disappointment. i was so close but i wasn’t fast enough.

by x9nyx November 9, 2020