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Minorities coming from Africa and the Middle East would often travel to Europe and the Americas to get free money and food stamps through welfare.

Germany: Hey, Europe! Accept some Africans into your countries to give them welfare.

All of Europe: Ok

**1 Year Later**

All of Europe: The migrants took all of your money through welfare!

by gagaoreo March 23, 2018

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Welfare Whore

A woman who continues to have many children, often by different men, in order to live off of the Welfare system.

Marie's pregnant again? She's such a Welfare Whore!

by Shpolfling June 6, 2009

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Hipster Welfare

Living off of monthly donations from Patreon for bad art or 'important work', usually of the social justice variety, which is often subpar or unsellable otherwise. Basically, receiving the financial equivalent of a pity fuck.

"He'd be flipping burgers instead of complaining on his blog if it wasn't for hipster welfare."

by PrimalChaos December 22, 2014

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wingnut welfare

Assistance, in the form of a public forum, granted to a washed-up, discredited, or deranged conservative figure. Typically provided by right-wing media outlets, but often provided by mainstream media outlets for the sake of appearing to be "balanced".

- Fox News is a primary supplier of wingnut welfare, giving copious amounts of airtime to the likes of Newt Gingrich, Karl Rove, Rudy Giuliani, and Sarah Palin.

- Charles Krauthammer, Cal Thomas, and Bill O'Reilly wouldn't have their weekly columns in respectable newspapers if not for wingnut welfare.

by fredmast August 1, 2010

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Welfare Cow

Welfare Cow. A sloppy lazy obesse individual with zero interest in work. Can usually be found grazing in low income apartments. Primary occupation is providing for the physical needs of Welfare Bulls. Usually has several offspring with different bulls. Social by nature welfare cows often develope drama based relationships with other welfare cows within the same apartment pens. As herds get larger the cows often compete for status and attentions from a common bull culminating in great episodes of Cops.

The Welfare Cow woke up the neighborhood when she stepped out on the apartment to yell at her newest boyfriend. I couldnt help but notice she was wearing a bright moo-moo that did little to cover her 400lb weight.

by BCM65 February 28, 2010

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welfare baby

A kid born just to keep a mother on welfare

I feel sorry for Joey he's a welfare baby so his mom doesn't have to work

by Alisagirl1990 February 19, 2012

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academic welfare

The dumbing-down of standards at branch/regional campuses so that their lower-class students can pass and ultimately graduate.

Man, this test was hard! Where's my "academic welfare"?

The "academic welfare" situation at Miami Hamilton is necessary for their mouth-breathers.

Without that "academic welfare" at MUH, his lazy butt would have failed out long ago!

by Frank Scanlan March 16, 2008

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