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What Would Trump Do?

When you are faced with a bigly debt, exposed for adultery or sexual assault, or charged with corruption, collusion, or treason, embrace the mindset of the Liar-in-Chief or Commander in Cheat to get out of trouble.

To minimize the odds of being fined or jailed for your financial, political, or sexual crime, ask yourself the question, β€œWhat would Trump do?”

by MathPlus May 8, 2021

30πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

It be what it do

a term used by streamers to say "it is what it is" in a unique way

Streamer: *Reading chat* oh you can't sub next month? Its alright man it be what it do.

by dawndeviant August 22, 2020

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

what it do

The phrase "What it do" is colloquial speech for the English expressions "How are you doing today" or "Hello, what is going on?" It is also used as a rhetorical question, often clarifying, or re-emphasizing what was just acknowledged. This practice of language is often used by African Americans, or Hispanics.

"Yo dawg, what it do?"

by cha'j December 5, 2006

854πŸ‘ 417πŸ‘Ž

what a do

A form of greeting. A way of saying hello and at the same time asking whats going on. Texas slang.

"Hey whats up man"
"What a do"

by 3rd Coast Livin May 17, 2006

77πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

what it do

what's crackin, what's the deal, what's up - made popular in Oakland,CA

1: What it do folks?
2: Nothin

by that dozen May 1, 2005

886πŸ‘ 587πŸ‘Ž

what it do

when u say whats up originated in the yay area,the bay

"what it do" keak the sneak, thats my word

by nikhil aka alabondad December 6, 2005

425πŸ‘ 325πŸ‘Ž

What It Do

"What It DO" is a term coined in The Bay Area (Oakland) CA by Oak native Keak Da Sneak Aka "Z-Kush" (also known for creatin' the term Hyphy). The Term was used to asked a Dude at a side show, what his muscle car could do? i.e Doughnuts Fishtale...ect!!! The term was later loosely used throughout the Bay Area as a term to ask a homie how he's doing. (What's up?, What's Crackin'?, What's good? What it is?...ect) Keak Coined this term before Paul wall's wack A** was even in the Rap Game! Houston Bit "What it do" from The Bay and tried to run with it and call it their own! Much like how the rest of Bay Area Slang is pirated! Slang Capitol USA is Da Bay! Frisco, Oaktown, V-Town, Sac-Town, San Jo, Da Rich... Ya'll can Borrow But GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE!!!

Original Meaning:
Ace: Dope scrapper Cutty, What It Do?
Smiley: Doughnuts Homie!
Ace: Do da danm thang then Pimpin', fo' them Penelopies come!

Later term:
Ace: Yo "What It Do" Homes?
Sleepy: Nothin' Homie, Just kickin' it!

by Frisco Kid! April 11, 2009

201πŸ‘ 149πŸ‘Ž