Source Code

Snow white

The act of being gang banged by seven dwarfs

I asked for 7 inches but I got a snow white

by Thotsboro September 26, 2021

Snow White

I'm just sayin... It's a little date-rapey... Ya know?

Hym "I mean, he's never met Snow White in his life... And it's like... If the kiss doesn't work... And it DOESN'T wake her up... You know... Then what? Does he try again? Second smooch doesn't work... Now what? 'Well, I guess she's not my true love!' And then he just walks away? I don't know... The gears are turning... You know what I'm not even going to pretend. He's sticking his weiner in- It's- That's not even- It's the middle ages, alright? He's sticking his weiner in. The fact that the kiss worked is plot-armor. But wait... What if the kiss doesn't work but the weiner DOES? Is it... Is that fine then? Because he kisses her TO WAKE HER UP, right? Like, 'for the purpose' of waking her up. That was the goal. So... What then?"

by Hym Iam January 17, 2024

Snow white

Snow white was just curse, she didn't need a kiss from the prince. Her real initials are j l e

Snow white we made it now let's.save the world

by EVE11111 June 5, 2023

dancing with snow white

Being high on meth, through either smoking or snorting.

She's dancing with snow white and flirting with the monster.

by flirtingwiththemonster February 21, 2014

Snow White and Alice

Manga about Snow white. She's a girl with red eyes and white hair. Her best friend is a guy called 'Mirror'. He takes her to another world which is called 'Mirror World'. She can only get back by helping a guy named Alice (a BOY) become King. She meets Alice and the Mad Hatter and March (a human with rabbit ears) and everything gets complicated and complex and everyone falls in love with her and so on...

Guy 1: Dude, do you know Snow White and Alice?
Guy 2: Yeah, I love that Manga! >-<

by Otaku x2 July 27, 2017

White Dress Snow Ball

A variation of the traditional show ball. When you let a guy cum in your mouth, pretend to brush your teeth, go to you parent's house for three days before the wedding, show up at the wedding, and when the priest says "you may kiss the bride," you spit he cum back into their mouth during the kiss. Bonus points if they cum in their pants.

Last weekend I married the love of my life and she White Dress Snow Balled me. She really gave me a mouthful!

by SCR69 December 24, 2023

snow whiting

When you are punch drunk and you have an orgy with 7 other people.

" Hey dude, last night was crazy. I went snow whiting."

by Paul Coolwhip December 9, 2015