Friend of void and being a pro domain seller also he does make websites
being web admin at void community
wiggly cornet is friend of void
jello made in a angle food cake pan but can be spun Into something inaproprite by your teacher
Sam: let's make a jiggly wiggly
Teacher: that doesn't sound wrong at all
When a Lizzo sits on your face until you either break a facial bone or you are severely concussed.
Cole: This BBW just gave me the best Jiggly Wiggly of my life.
Bryson: I can tell you broke your nose from it.
Bryson: How much she weigh?
Cole: 450.
A dude with a really limp handshake.
"I just shook hands with Mr Wiggly. He reeks of complete and total weaksauce!"
That special state of drunk where you fell like your eyes are wiggling around in your head.
Dude, I was so wiggly-eyed last night, I could barely walk back to my apartment!