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You're wynn stupid, dumbass.

by Wibbbz January 24, 2022


the best and coolest person in the world.

I don’t make the rules.

“Hey, what’s your name?”


Hey you’re cool I like u

by By yourefavoritemutual April 28, 2022


Bi-Polar head ass that likes to put his head down, rage, and play with 7 year olds at 174 and 144. Adopted and benches on the U10 soccer team.

“Wynn your USELESS!”

by Alexandria Cassadilla December 13, 2018


A title earned when Lynn is being good.

Ex. Shes being good. Wynn being good

by Ry989898 June 18, 2022


The love of my life, a friend that I can go to. Funny and stoned all the fucking time, but caring too. Someone im willing to spend Ricky roads, ups and downs, and rollercoasters with. Just my bugaboo

Hey did you know Clay is wynns dog?

by babybra1nr0t November 24, 2021


an adjective to describe an idiot.

you are very wynn

by HEI BOY October 18, 2020


Wynn is the kindest person you’ll ever meet. They’re kind hearted and will help you through anything and everything, even when they are struggling. Wynn will always be down for trying new things, even if they are hesitant at first. Wynns love you to death and will never let you go.

Boy: hey! That person is so nice looking
Girl: they must be named wynn

by Lilac. January 3, 2022