The first question people ask a woman when she comes out as gay. We gay women expect it. After replying “yes”, the conversation usually goes as follows;
“so do you guys like, scissor?”
*sigh* “yes. we do scissor.”
“oh, okay, so like, HOW DOES THAT WORK?”
One of the dumbest things to come out of Sen. J.D. Vance's mouth during the 2024 Vice Presidential Debate against Gov. Tim Walz.
"The rules were you guys weren't going to fact check." -J.D. Vance
October 1, 2024
The thing that attention seeking girls say when nobody thinks their joke is funny. Mostly seen in YouTube comment sections and are most likely an anime pfp
Attention seeking girl: Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he wanted to XD
*gets negative comments*
Attention Seeking girl: Edit: I just tried to make you guys laugh :(
That one phrase you’ll never heard the band director say
After a great marching performance by the band, the band director says, “ Wow, you guys sound great!” Then, I wake up from my dream
That one phrase you’ll never heard the band director say
After a great marching performance by the band, the band director says, “ Wow, you guys sound great!” Then, I wake up from my dream
A sentence where a specific doctor in Al Ain University says it after every one word..
Okay you guys any questions? Well done you guys!
I thought I could give you give you guys a chicken
Yeah I thought I could you give you guys a chicken