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Young Sturdy Boys. A group that is exclusive to only people that live in Sturtevant.

yo don’t fuck with Y$B, they don’t play around bro.

by Y$B OWNER November 1, 2020


the word un-b is an abbreviation of unbelievable. it can be used 2 describe basically anything.

Randal: Dude, come over to my house now i just got an xbox 360.
Drake: Oh my God. Those things are fucking un-b.

by .zola January 13, 2007

6👍 1👎


A class designed to ruin Stanford students' freshman year. Similar to IHUM, which stands for Introduction to the Humanities, but worse.

Student 1: Hey what did you get on your IHUM paper?
Student 2: You mean B-HUM?
Student 1: Yeah.
Student 2: I got a B.
Student 1: Guess what? I got a B+! Whooooo!!!!!

by GoCardinal December 17, 2010


B&J, is commonly used to refer to the popular ice cream brand Ben & Jerry's

Hey bro, you want a B&J?
Nah, I'm good

by Tinafey-fromtheway March 19, 2017

Nathaniel B

A way to bamboozle everyone in a rap session.

Kid: Hold up, aint you Nathaniel B?

by Epicsz/SpeedDemon360 August 21, 2022


Often heard in the whereabouts of the St Georges british international school, this word indicates the chillest time of the afternoon. The act of sensimilia toking in fact is veiled by these simple five letters. B time can be both the bud and the act of toking it self. Weed, sensimilia, lambsbread.

Gr: "yo dude who'se got b-time?"
I: "i got b time! "
D: "i got b time too!"
T:'No sloshing way me too!"
Mrs. R " Me too!"
G: "!!!tokesss!"
Mrs. R: Yayy, splendid, B-time it is!
Gr "looks like were gonna have some well cooked bbbbb tiempo (b time)

by lalalaizthemothefukingbowdoubl January 10, 2013


a euphemism for "bitch."

"Where's my money, b-natch??!!"

by Mattshizzle74 March 24, 2008