When the erectile tissue of the penis rushes with blood at the site of someone particularly hot.
'I've got a raging spongiosum in my pants for you'
A violent encounter that begins when someone completely loses their mind over someone not wearing a mask in public where social distancing is difficult to maintain.
Mask Rage incidents escalate quickly when the person not wearing a mask, demonstrates their complete lack of human compassion by coughing or sneezing.
Yes he is still in the hospital recovering from the injuries he received in a Mask Rage incident at the Golden Corral.
The incomparable rage that one feels when dealing with the cable company, when they repeatedly put you on hold for 20 minutes then cut you off, when they cancel a reapir visit after calling your office number to confirm a 7 am visit to your house when you told them to call home, when they tell you to stay home from work for an 8 hour service window because they can't accomdate your weekend request for a month.
Similar to road rage but perhaps a bit less likely to be lethal.
I am in serious cable rage after dealing with those monoploy shitheads at the cable company for the 5th time in the past two weeks. If I could get my hands on some of them right now, ther term 'going postal' might be replaced by 'going cable'.
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1. When you have rough sex with your balls taped together, while smacking your partner in the face with your tennis balls. Most commonly done in Indian relationships.
Wife: "Honey, lets do the raging octopus"
A small get together in a friend's basement. Not big enough to be considered a fat rage, but instead is a low key smaller rage. Only a select few people are invited and is usually a safe place for everyone to get very drunk at.
Mikey: Dude I'm having some people over tonight. Wanna come?
Brody: Yeah, man. Is it gonna be a fat rage?
Mikey: Nah, man it's just a skinny rage.
Rushing to the nearest accessible dating app in a spouse-fueled furious outrage to swipe right on as many accounts as possible with every intention of filling the vacant position as if you are some sort of psychotic boss who unexpectedly caught his favorite employee smoking dope in the bathroom.
As soon as I found out she went to the bar last night without telling me I couldn’t help but rage swipe fat bitches on Tinder.
A super nice or quiet person who is usually very forgo ice and sweet, but is hell when angered and ends up vocalizing all their opinions and true feelings all at once
Person one: dude, what happened with Becky last night?
Person two: We got Into a fight and I guess I insulted her because she got really angry and threw a book at me.
Person one: I told you she had Canadian rage.