A sex fetish that involves one fake psychologist to be tied up to resemble a captured rebel slave. After this is done, multiple other fake psychologists defficate and urinate on this person.
I'm really in the mood to do a Filthy Spartak tonight, let's call Hlib Pologyy.
When a person who looks like 250 lbs of chewed bubble gum, and thinks they are a fitness expert because they go to Planet Fitness once a week, tells you they are bulking up by eating nothing but trash. The Filthy Bulk is different from the Dirty Bulk is that, in addition to the terrible foods you're consuming, you have a permanent stink that offends every other living creature on earth. These individuals claim that they will eventually go through a cutting phase, but it almost never happens. And when they do lose weight, they still look like a piece of shit. Another annoying habit of this ilk is that they act like fitness experts and look for any ear they can find to tell them about their "healthy" habits.
B claimed to be lifting heavy weights to bulk up prior to a cutting phase, but his ostensilunchable was just a filthy bulk. What a sack of shit!
Shoving two fingers in your ass before hooking your partner's nostrils with them and throwing them off you
Jim: you get any last night?
Brian: nah. She wanted it but I was too tired so I threw her the filthy fishhook, rolled over, and went to sleep.
A phrase used for CS:GO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) players that are from eastern Europe and screams in Russian. These individuals often have a combination of autism and retardation.
Damn! That Filthy Russian team-killed me again!
While the male is receiving the sloppiest top he’s ever had after a trip to the anus, he proceeds to then start making out her. Then, kicks the door open so all his bitch ass kids can watch.
My dad said he was going to do something called the filthy bobby to mom after dinner. But I’m not sure how he’s gonna get dirty it hasn’t rained in weeks!
While the male is receiving the sloppiest top he’s ever had after a trip to the anus, he proceeds to then start making out her. Then, kicks the door open so all his bitch ass kids can watch.
My dad said he was going to do something called the filthy bobby to mom after dinner. But I’m not sure how he’s gonna get dirty it hasn’t rained in weeks!
The coolest girls you will ever meet. A bad bitch girl gang that includes five powerful chicks.
Person A : Did you see the filthy five at that party? They all looked bang.
Person B : Omg, yeah! I wish I was in the filthy five.
squad girl gang daddy booty