Ask a boy out day is on November 12th
Ask a boy out day
Come in girls don't be a bich it is so simple just ask a boy out
Ask a boy out day defined of ask a girl out day
Come on girls don't be a bich it is so simple just ask a boy
Ask a boy out day defined ask a girl out day
a question that is not intended to troll or have any undertones of condescension.
created by Paul P.
"He made an IG poll to get opinions on a question that was devoid of agenda. He was nonsarcastically asking."
some mutated frick version of “who asked”
Dude 1: wassup dude fortnite chapter 4 season 2 just got released
Dude 2: im sorry… but i cant remember that i asked
a girl who has a crush on a boy ask them out on november 12
girl hey so i like you and i wanna be with you
boy wow i mean i do to
girl omg yes (thanks national girl ask out boy day)
I have million dollars
That's cool and all, but show where I asked