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best friends

true friendship that is ever lasting.

Conor and A are best friends and always will be forever, through thick and thin, through fake friends, ghosts and struggle, through best times and through the future whatever it may hold.

by theg00dlife February 21, 2010

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Best Brother

A brother with benefits

That chick is hot, but look at that dude shes with
He must be her brother
Best Brother' more like...
Ahh, best leave it then

by danther November 14, 2010

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Best Wishes

(Mostly) Passive aggressive for "I hope you die tonight for what you've done that caused me extreme anger". Other variants are "Wish you all the best", "Best of luck", or anything along those lines.

Here's an example of where "Best Wishes" might be used:
I appreciate you looking after the house while I was out, and I loved how you cleaned it, but I have noticed a few of my items are missing. I am not accusing you of stealing, however, it would be nice if you could tell me where you had my great-great-grandfather's time keeper, as it is very important to my family. I have looked every possible place for it to be, yet I haven't seen it.
Please tell me where it is, as we have a family reunion in a month, and I will hire you, but you must tell me where it is, as my family wishes to see what it looks like, and what the future holders of it will be given in the future.

Best wishes,

by TheOriginalHobo November 27, 2014

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best boi

Dancing Construction Worker

Me(Watching IDOLiSH7 intro): Omg here he comes!!!! LOOK IT BEST BOI!!!

by Prince Zuko the burnt boi April 11, 2020

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Best results

Not final cut, because it sucks balls

Best results are not final cut

by Franksferdinands February 28, 2021

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best bizzle

best buddy, best mate, best friend, person your closest to, you get the picture ;)

Paige: Yo wassup K Book my bestest bizzl!!
Kurt: Whas Gwarnin P Butt my best bizzle n ting ;)

by skurtbutler22 April 3, 2007

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The very best

something i want to be


by bruhthisismyhandle August 18, 2021

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