Source Code

Beast Boobs

When a female has humongous, gargantuan boobs. As large as they are unable to touch.

Wow, beast boobs on that creature!!

by JΓΌrgen Heinz January 31, 2009

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Vibro Boobs

The phenomenon produced when a cell-phone stored in cleavage vibrates when called or text messaged

My freind, we were hanging out, and her boobs were all like 'vibro boobs time!' on me! It was actually kinda hot...

by Almightyyoda2012 May 26, 2010

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Boob Choke

When a woman simultaneously flashes a singular boob and chokes a man.
Same sex boob choking is approved.

I was so angry and horny I had no choice, but to boob choke him.

by Jangus5 October 10, 2010

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

saggy boobs

strangely enough, blind people seem to enjoy these (see the movie Proof with that dude from the matrix and russel "gladiator" crowe).

also a common ice breaker. or floor cleaner. take your pick

1) ahhhhhhhhhhh saggy boobs!! (reaction to watching proof)

2) hey pretty lady ;) i like your saggy boobs

3) hey pretty lady ;) you have really dirty boobs....

by saggy_b00bs May 23, 2011

41πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

nude boobs

naked breast of a sexy female!

I have nude boobs, Logan Look at them! Squeeze them! Suck Them!

by Sexy Bitch Screwer March 6, 2005

299πŸ‘ 115πŸ‘Ž

Boob Card

Something a total retard would say in a text, honestly even thinking about this will make you a virgin forever, Especially if you like the Carolina Panthers and Butt sex with Greg Knorr.

John said 'boob card' and no girl has talked to him in months.

by Skttlz313 January 6, 2012

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Douche boob

A douche boob is a person who is not quite a douche bag, however, at the moment they deserve some kind of name calling. Douche rack for plural.

Tim: Whoa! He just spilled his drank all over her.
Adam: What a douche boob! HEY! YOU ARE A DOUCHE BOOB!
Tim: Ya, but he definitely is not a douche bag.

by timDadamH February 6, 2011

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