A very good example of a Telegram Group management bot which is made by Sawada.
It is a modular Telegram Python bot running on python3 with a sqlalchemy database and an entirely themed persona to make Saitama suitable for Anime and Manga group chats.
The bot also has a jealousy feature which causes others to shitpost about the bot.
Person 1: Hey are there any bots which are underestimated but are insanely awesome
Person 2: Ever heard of Saitama Bot?
Person 1: Ah that bot that's op but retards don't wanna admit it
A person whose forehead is so flat you could land an airplane on it.
"Oh, that guy?" asked Chad, "He's a Chamber bot just drag him."
A term used by a streamer Sinatraaow to make fun of bad plays in-game (Overwatch).
Carpe(Ana): I'm ulting now! {hit the wrong person}
Sinatraaow: Naisu! Training bot, training bot!
Garbage articles written by bots. Fake news articles not composed by humans.
I saw that article saying a Turnip is running for President, it looks like bot schlock.
A person who simply goes through the motions applying very little, if not any, critical thought to their process.
All that talking and still fumbles the bag... A Bot
A politician, journalist, or influencer who serves as a mindless mouthpiece for the genocidal Zionist Israeli propaganda machine
Rather than using his own mind, President Biden has revealed himself to be an Israeli-bot.
Numerous western media have switched from relying on human journalists to using Israeli-bots.
Instagram, Meta, and TikTok shadowban content about the Gazan genocide unless it's generated by Israeli-bots.