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The Bridge on the River Kwai

1. A 1957 war film starring Alec Guinness.

2. An almost infeasibly perilous overpass, the crossing of which unconditionally necessitates death. Under no circumstances should any person attempt to cross this bridge. Any attempt to do so ranks as outright folly of the highest order. Basically lunacy. Alternative means of transit are strenuously advised and readily available, so there is really no need to attempt to traverse by this means. You have been warned.

1. Although it is widely acknowledged that Alec Guinness actually WAS Obi-Wan Kenobi, and that there IS such a thing as The Force, there is an urban legend which claims that he was in fact a mere actor who starred in such films as The Bridge on the River Kwai. Clearly this is utter pretense and I should know, as I myself happen to be a Jedi Knight.

2. "So did you hear about Superman?"
"Yeah, idiot thought that being more or less invincible, he could cross The Bridge on the River Kwai...clearly he was mistaken. Even I could have told him that"
"I always thought it would be kryptonite that got him in the end, but there's no accounting for some people's arrogance!"

by Lukenestler November 16, 2006

13πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

golden gate bridge

A sexual position for one male and two females, in which the male lies flat while giving oral sex to one female and vaginal sex to the other, and then the two females give high fives with both hands. The female equivalent of the Eiffel Tower.

"Women think it's condescending when guys Eiffel Tower them, but I still love it when chicks give me a Golden Gate Bridge."

by E-Dubs October 26, 2006

266πŸ‘ 222πŸ‘Ž

Jonas bridges

Jonas bridges is a 17 year old boy who is famous on YouTube/musically/younow/ and Instagram. He's a boy who spreads the words "stay Beautiful" and owns a clothing line called confidence. He's literally such a sunshine and we all love him with our entire hearts. He's really goofy in his own way but has a huge heart and has the most beautifulest smile, whoever hates on this boy can fight me.

β€œStay Beautiful everyone” -Jonas bridges

by Potatoangel July 24, 2018

2πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Speed Telly Bridge

A bridging method in Minecraft that makes you never go outside in your shitty Minecraft based life.

Coolypoopy: Omg hes speed telly bridge-ing towards us!
Ffelle7: Leave the game or gae.

by coolypoopy February 16, 2022

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Todd Bridges Fit

When you can’t find something worthless of yours so you start blaming everyone around you for stealing it. After your embarrassing raging fit you find it in the exact place you were looking.

β€œYour brother in law didn’t break into your house to steal your frozen roasted corn. Stop having a Todd Bridges fit!”

by Loopyloody August 22, 2018

Sam Porter Bridges

He has aphenphosmphobia and looks like Norman Reedus. He also carries a baby around for some reason.

Worker#1: urgh the delivery guy is back again
Worker#2: ah Sam Porter Bridges yeah?
Worker#1: yes
Worker#2: What does he want?
Worker#1: Monster energy drinks ~_~

by Chatur Singh November 24, 2021

Kemper bridge breaker

When your lady drops a huge duece that won't flush and it takes two weeks of pissing on it to break it up.

I had to employ the Kemper bridge breaker when my left a huge turd in the toilet.

by Kempergenes December 2, 2018