Absolute retards sweating their balls off 24/7 in video games, mostly shooters. And no matter how fowl their chair is from all the jack off sessions they will still sweat their ass off. Even though it is a casual match of team death match, they still persist on calling their fellow comrades and proceeds to give everyone with at least 2 brain cells a seizure. Thus these fake bastards are acting like they just won the world cup but it was actually a PUBLIC match with their competitors are senior citizens from a fucking retirement home from the 1940's. These useless twats consisted of mobile gamers who spent upwards of $400 for a skin except for paying for a console. For example, these find specimens are found in Call of Duty: Mobile and PUBG: mobile. Do not make contact with most of them or they will give you complete brain damage.
Player 1: Wow, these clan names have no life.
Player 2: Indeed, because they wanted to flex their kill death ratio to their 2 subscribers on YouTube.
Group of Sexy people and handsome dads. They destroy kids on COD and they love to suck moms.
“Is that the AYS Clan? They are sooo sexy bro”
The term "Darwiish clan" usually refers to the Dhulbahante
she's of the darwiish clan
Translated anagram MoW stands for Man/Men of War which is a kick a** clan who's skills seem to have no bounds they'll kick your a** in any fps that they own and ohhh yea they make awesome youtube videos under their old clan name that could use more laughs and views so check em out at youtube.com/burningupweekly
owned guy one Holy S**t who were those guy's
owned guy two ohhh they were the MoW Clan
Meaning Worlds best Fortnite Clan
TeAz Clan is better than FaZe and Optic gaming; TSM
Soulja clan consist of a group of horses. They are all good at sex and have big dicks. This group consist of soulja nate, soulja skrt, soulja brands and soulja monks. These group of men are very passionate.
“Omg i wanna have a train ran on me by the Soulja clan” - Rosie