in Czech language: "Klasické GG"
means saying gg in an emotional way, expressing you are screwed up.
In English:
Guy A: Hey we didn't pass the test.
Guy B: This is Classic GG.
In Czech:
Chábr A: Hej nedali jsme ten test s Habibim.
Chábr B: Tak to je klasické GG.
A person who is outspokenly racist, and is unashamed of that fact.
Joe isn’t just racist, he’s classically based
A person who is openly racist, and unashamed of that fact.
That man isn’t just racist, he’s classically based
When a British person comes online with the intention of spamming dnc in group chats
Person: Asks a question or says a statement
Fade: dnc monkey
Everyone in said group chat: Always pulling a fade classic....
An old hookup whom you have lost contact with, only to bring her back, in order to simulate the feeling of a new hookup.
"We should get some new ladies, although nothing feels newer than a classic chick"
A term that refers to a reoccurring dick appointment. Much like a vlasic pickle, it is tried and true.
“Yeah idk I think I might hit up the classic vlasic”
“Things didn’t go well with Daniel, time to hit up the classic vlasic”
1) A state of being/mind involved when attending the 2011 Heritage Classic, (a premier outdoor NHL hockey event) but may transcend into all social events.
2) The pinnacle of inebriation.
I've never seen a guy eat a paper plate before. He was Heritage Classic drunk.