the act of getting pelted with walnuts and hanging out at mcdonald’s most fridays.
Hey, did you see The Walnut Cult at McDonald’s yesterday! One kid did a kick flip off of the table!
When you're recommended a nameless playlist or video in your recommended YouTube videos. Normally a creepy, off-putting playlist/video of Japanese or Korean music.
finally another playlist got recommended to me without any titles. Guess I'm apart of the nameless cult now.
The most superior larrie gc ever. Even though they've had their own bumps along the way, they're a family especially the ogs. :D
person 1 : did u hear about the 28 cult gc? yikes they're huge!
person 2: they seem fun ngl. sigh i wish i could join :(
Davetheffrogg cult: a cult where your supper cool and swag😎
Bob: davetheffrogg cult is pogchamp
Dave: awooga 😍
The greatest Discord server ever. From the members to the staff it is a very enjoyable place. The staff is nice and members are very welcoming. You will find yourself in conversations ranging from Rap to Politics all in the name of fun. The toxicity is near minimum to none and everyone enjoys their stay. Hopefully you can join soon,
I had a great time in Rare Cult, the best Discord Server, thanks to the phenomenal people there!