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Dead Seastar

Sexual position when someone is so tired that they just lie on their back with their arms and legs spread wide and wait for their partner to go to work.

Last night when I went to bed with my partner, I was so tired that fell into the dead seastar position, and still busted a fatty.

by yosita March 9, 2011

Dead PV

A writer from Waipahu that reps Patriotic Vandals(PV)

Why do I see alot of Dead PV tags around school??

by the writer himself March 1, 2009

Dead Bedroom

Referring to lack of sex in a long term relationship.

"He won't touch me anymore, it seems like we are now having a dead bedroom"

by Mariah Aguilera February 16, 2017

Dead Sansjob

A Blowjob given to the receiver by an inanimate skeleton.

Hey did you hear John was at it again?

Oh god what did he do?

He got a dead Sansjob

by sansjobboy69 August 23, 2020

mind dead

1) when you don't want to go to sleep but aren't awake enough to do something productive.

2) similar to being a vegetable, except you are locked away in the awesomeness of your currently being binge watched TV show.
3) when you are so pissed off at/about something/someone that you are unresponsive.

1) Josephine was laying on the couch doing nothing because she was mind dead.
2) Alexi was on the couch watching a TV show on her tablet in a state of mind deadness.
3) Jonah killed Tina's cat and Tina was so mad that she was mind dead.

by hella_random_goldfish September 17, 2014

Dead penguin

"Dead penguin" is a term used to describe someone stranded in a problem.

"He's a "dead penguin"..."

by 2cheeks1hole July 2, 2019

Dead Boner

A playful insult (usually in 'Roseanne' style families) used when playing, teasing, and talking one into something.

Similar to when Shawn Spencer on 'Psych' says, "Gus, don't be a ..."

"Hey broski, lets go to a party tonight!"
"Nah, I wanna go to bed by 8pm."
"Oh, don't be a dead boner..!"

by Brianna Kinney December 17, 2012