Source Code

Double engine government

A government with the same party or coalition at the centre and state

The double engine government is said to be doing better.

by birbaljha April 24, 2023

human search engine

Reference librarian.

I googled that question our prof assigned us but didn't get any usable info, so I txted a human search engine and got the answer within a couple minutes.

by JavaJaneOhio August 17, 2010

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k9 reproduction engineer

The technical term for a dog fucker. A person who does as little work as possible, while at work.

Worker 1: Does that guy do anything around here?
Worker 2: Yes. He's the k9 reproduction engineer.

by jutna mckutna February 25, 2010

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Unreal Engine

The Fortnite engine

Unreal Engine, the Fortnite engine.

by Soulex November 7, 2021

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redneck engineering

1.you fix everything with duck tape
2.when in boy scouts you fix your tent with duck tape

Adam: How you fix your gun.
Clayton: Redneck engineering.

by adam clayton January 17, 2012

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fiber construction engineer

The sophisticated and dignified manner in which to address someone who's been given the mind numbing task of building cardboard boxes for wine bottles.

At work:
Temp:"What are we doing today?"
Supervisor:"Same as yesterday, building more boxes."
Temp:"How do I put that down in my resume?"
Supervisor:"Write down that you've been a fiber construction engineer."

by Romez February 28, 2008

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organic search engine

An organic Search Engine is a manually operated search service which uses a combination of computer algorithims and human researchers to lookup a search query. A search query submitted to an Organic Search Engine is analysed by a human operator who researches the query then formats the response to the user. It was coined by 199QUERY in Australia in 2006

199QUERY is an organic search engine that uses textperts to answer questions.

by Paul.R.Smith February 9, 2008

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