Source Code

eric garcia

A synonym for the Spanish word pendejo

That guy is such an Eric Garcia

by Scttptrck May 29, 2017

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eric the great

the most fucking awesome person in the world. he is a ball buster and will rip on the orlando's like crazy. he is a funny person and he is awesome. he has a tendency to say "trueeeeeeee" and burst out into the lion king thing. otherwise known as "ETG," "eric the mother fucking great" and "black peoples"

laura-did you see eric the great last night? he stole your girl!
sully-nah yo, hes the fucking man
laura-yeah well eric the great is fucking awesome
sully-gotta love the black peoples

by laura 2.0 March 26, 2008

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eric salinas

a faggot , a spanish duppey boy . no swag , no flow .

ew , did you see eric salinas .

by sarahhhhhhh marshallll December 29, 2011

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Eric Murray

A person who picks he's nose.
Plays Online Video games.
Has lots and lots of ear wax.
Dumps girls because he goes to school and gets friends

DUDE! he just pulled an eric murray on that chick!

by Thegirlyoudated February 10, 2010

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Prince Eric

a charming hearbreaker

i can't believe i fell for him and he cheated on me! he's sucha a Prince Eric!

by serena amour June 12, 2010

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Creepy Eric

A person that can make any situation uncomfortable for all parties involved. Hence that person would be a β€œCreepy Eric”.

Guy 1 "hey lips have no gender"
Guy 2 "Woo there Creepy Eric"

by Witness to a CreepyEric moment December 10, 2008

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eric "enstein"

eric uses the word "enstein" entirely too much and in way too many sittuations. what starts out as a joke quickly turns into the most annoying thing to hear when it begins to come from eric. has anything original ever come out of this kids mouth? (the answer to that is no)

"snack+treats+fuggenstien+brew-ha-ha= heaven"

by i hate eric May 9, 2005

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