When you sucked at school or dropped out while your friends didn't, either because you were lazy, poor, or slow (or a mix of two or the three).... and later on it turns out you owned them (whatever the meaning) and they're pretty much in shit.
Steven: Me and my brother both dropped out in 10th grade.. but 15 years later we now co-own a bitchass enterprise and make millions a year. Dylxseia can go kiss my ass.
Laura: Sounds like a case of Bill Gates Syndrome.. :P
Any condition, adverse event, or death potentially attributable to vaccines or countermeasures. The name was created to expose the lack of scientific ethics caused by multi-billion dollar investments and financial coercion from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in the scientific community.
Jerry died suddenly of Gates Disease after getting his second Pfizer shot.
The diseases or maladies affecting any person suffering from vaccine injury, allergy or adverse events since Bill Gates began paying off media sources and medical providers / practitioners.
Maddy DeGary is a 13 year old girl in Ohio crippled by Gates disease.
The diseases or maladies affecting any person suffering from vaccine injury, allergy or adverse events since Bill Gates began paying off media sources and medical providers / practitioners.
Maddy DeGary is a 13 year old girl in Ohio crippled by Gates disease.
to describe something so slippery and slick that it will slide off of any surface, or a person who is so untrustworthy and clearly greasy that they gleam in the sun.
"You heard about Donny snitching to the cops?"
"Yeah. That dude was always slicker than gopher guts on a garden gate."
"Real Talk"
A fun pastime that usually involves two or more beings, living or dead. This act usually is progressed by horny teenagers and at times, results in a mini human.
Jane had done it AGAIN, she walked into her bedroom before pausing and listening, and on her bed, her siblings, bumping the gate, again.
when you're Microsoft's daddy and are slaying all day. Being the king/ queen of technology is hard, but when you are Bill Gating that means you make it WORK queen.
"Gosh she's totally Bill Gating right there. Look at what she got on her exam!"
"Yeah! I wish I was as smart as her and also be able to rock that outfit!"