Source Code

how fucking embarrasing

When a "dumb ass motha fucka" makes a remark generally disagrred upon by the whole group is told not only to shut the fuck up. But also is informed that the malarky that crossed his lips was gay and "how fucking embarrasing". Coined by the Mean family although many tr to steal rights fortheir own they can go suck a fatty. Thug Life Bitch.

Josh: Dezis tits are eqaul to that of a no slope.
AJ: She is IHOP
Jordan: Reminds me off Little House on The Prairie
Adam: yeah shes gay
Josh: ...... how fucking embarrasing stfu.

by Jwall aka Josh Pit aka Moshua March 7, 2006

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How You Like That

A BLACKPINK song, Period


by Anonymous_ArmyBlink? June 24, 2020

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how feel you?

A way of asking "how do you feel?" in the manner of the great and powerful master Yoda himself.

Good, good, young one. How feel you?

by Xevious June 9, 2007

10๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Northern English.

1) A friendly enquiry about the health of one's paternal relative.

2) A phrase to use when you've temporarily lost the right word. Or want to hide that word in order to shield more delicate ears.

3) Sexual intercourse or similar intimate entertainment requiring euphemistic reference. Accompanied by winking and smiling.

1) How's yer father?

2) *indignant* Well that's a fine how's-yer-father, in't it?

3) We had a lovely picnic, got pleasantly drunk, then spent the whole afternoon in lazy, sunny how's-yer-father.

by Lino1 January 19, 2008

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how the devil's name

a synonym phrase for, and a less rude version of, 'how the fuck'

father: son go do your homework and improve your grades.

son (scowling): how the devil's name did you know my grades were so poor?

father: I had the common sense to clean out the ashes from the fireplace. And guess what else? Bits and pieces of your report card. Put two and two together and the result is, that you tried burning your report card; didn't want your mom and myself to see it, I'd imagine?

by Sexydimma July 31, 2016

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hi how are you

A word to say to someone who you first meet. Your also trying to be nice and friendly, but your just actually toxic as hell and your gonna make them go to depressed as everyone else that you did.

me: hi how are you
???: hi! im ok :)
me: didnt you read the urban dictionary?
???: oh no..

by im smart as ashley February 17, 2021

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How It's Made Spree

The action of watching many 'How It's Made' videos in succession, commonly during nights where sleep is not a possibility.

Person 1: Wow, Person 2, you're still awake?

Person 2: Yeah, I'm really bored and I can't sleep; so I'm on a How It's Made spree to pass the time.

by Dammit Banana April 1, 2013

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