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Loves foof

Person: why does she like food so much?
Person 2: she's a kayla

by Mr.failure_ June 25, 2019


Kayla is a name of many races *cough* white girls. She's really funny and she is nice to get along with. She has some very close friends and gets along really well with someboys duces!

boy: hi best friend

kayla: hiiii

by thatgirlkayla May 30, 2019


Kayla is a bad bitch. the baddest bitch. Her body is legit, she always smells so fucking good, hair game is on point, and her pussy is fucking perfect...

Damn there goes Kayla, low key that chick has the prettiest pussy I've ever seen...

by Gotchainz April 3, 2023


Kayla is an amazing girl she is nice and pretty and loves people she is a nice friend and will always be there for you she cares for her friends and don't test her you will regret it. She is an amazing person she will be there if you are down she will make you laugh and she is not afraid to take what she wants so watch your man cause she will take him from you

Kayla - you see that cute boy over there

girl -ya
Kayla - I am going to ask him out
Kayla - hi you wanna go out

boy- sure why not

by queen_ kayla so fresh July 22, 2019


A cute girl that thinks her shit don't stink, and she will accuse you of doing shit you haven't even done just to start fights because she loves the drama

I met this cool chick the other night,but she's a bit of a nutter and just loves to argue...
She's suck a Kayla

by Bubba chicken December 28, 2023


Yo you a piece of shit!

Yo you see that piece of shit over there! Where you mean that kayla?

by Dattnigga845s March 23, 2023


Kayla hunts and eats ibis's beaks and all, she is a heavy believer in god but then goes out and feels up seagulls at the beach, she literally blows you off to go and look at birds at the pet store. she has been arrested 4 times for illegally marring people an exotic birds. if you ever see a Kayla hide your birds please, she also has a thing for possums and cyclists

person 1: did you see that girl twerking against those pigeons
person 2: that person is such a Kayla

by crystall485 October 10, 2021