Source Code

what are you laughing for

im being sheeeeeeeerish

chris what you laughing for, im being sheeeeeerish
what are you laughing for defines liverpool fans

by casio485849574949 November 22, 2021

what are you laughing for

im being sheeeeeeeerish

chris what are you laughing for, im being sheeeeeerish

by casio485849574949 November 22, 2021


An intra-laugh is what a person does when they have a laugh to themselves.

It is that quiet, internal laugh that one has when something is funny.

(In the future, if people like this word that I've coined, and people become familiar with it, the spelling may change to "intralaugh.")

"When my mean boss spilled his coffee on his keyboard, I had an intra-laugh."

by demographic-man May 2, 2016

Laugh Ho

Laugh Ho πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸŽ…πŸΌπŸŽ…πŸ½πŸŽ…πŸΎπŸŽ…πŸΏ:

One who laughs easily at everything. The joke/punchline can be good, bad, and/or everything in between and the individual will still laugh heartily. This can include people who don't have the necessary knowledge to fully understand the depth and context of the joke.

Example #1:
Eugene: I don't understand why she doesn't like me. She laughed at all of my jokes!

Bob: Dude, that bitch laughs at everything! Anyone can make her laugh, she's a laugh ho.

Eugene: Word?.. Damn...

Example #2:
Jessica: Ummm... Andre, I don't understand the joke you made earlier. Can you explain it to me?

Andre: What the fuck, Jessica? You laughed the loudest and the longest out of all us, and you didn't even understand the joke? You don't deserve to know, you a laugh ho..

by katyang September 23, 2018

laugh limit

This is the point where a relatively serious person suddenly goes over the edge to a laughing person. It can be brought on by a joke or a situation, and it doesn't require any prompting although previous jokes increase the chance of breaking the laugh limit.

John was being very serious about his financial situation until he saw a very funny political video, and then suddenly he broke the laugh limit. Then he was laughing so hard that he almost cried.

by Chris Doc October 19, 2009

Outback laugh

An outback laugh is that laugh you do when you are really uncomfortable with the conversation or situation at hand. Outback laughs usually result in an abnormal laugh as you look at your blank phone looking for an out

As soon as they started talking about his baby momma, she started an outback laugh

by itsalljustforfun April 4, 2011

Live Love Laugh

It is live love laugh, i don't fucking care what anybody has to say, who the fuck says live laugh love, you are fucking wrong, IT IS LIVE LOVE LAUGH.

I've had a bad day, but Live Love Laugh

by The Smallest Geeza December 20, 2022