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crazy lazy

A dutch nukezone player who is alot like Holy Cow and Mozzie

Crazy lazy is brilliant

by Mozzie January 2, 2004

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Intellectually lazy


1. Stupid

Dickhead is so intellectually lazy, I just saw him call his wife to tell her he'll be fucking his girlfriend tonight.

by Elswt August 15, 2016

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Lazy licker McGee

A man or woman who is stingy with oral sex.
Someone who will fake an injury to get out of pleasuring their partner.
An ex lover who you look back and realize they always received but never gave

Now that I think about it I was always giving oral and I don't think she ever did...she is such a lazy licker McGee

I was always working that poll, and he never went down under.

by Mr. jashary January 9, 2009

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Lazy fish

one whom is lazy or none contributive to sex

she does nothing during sex, she just lays there;like a Lazy fish.

by LsKBC May 16, 2015

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lazy fat fuck

put clothes straight from the washing machine into the clothes dryer especially when its a perfect day
see putrid monster in law umpa lumpa chicken pig

no ones home no one will know i cant be bothered walking all that way to the clothes line and fumbling down 2 stairs it must be all of 15 metres to get there oh i so fuckn fat and lazy ill just run their power bill up to the hilt and in the mean time i will check out whats on offer down at the food halls

by Mark August 7, 2004

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lazy ninja edit

A ninja edit that took too long to write (typically over one minute). In common with ninja edits, no confusion results from changed contents, but *edit star shows up, bringing with it uncertainty and dread.

Herp derp ah totally agree with the parent derp.
*(lazy ninja edit)

by a redditor November 28, 2010

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Lazy hitch hiker

When a man is sitting on the coutch and a lady friend comes to sit by you and you stick your thumb out for her to sit on.

Come sit over here so i can give you a Lazy hitch hiker

by dirtbiker1488 July 22, 2009

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