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lords of the rhymes

a really good and inspired nerdcore hip-hop group. they mostly rap about the lord of the rings movies and book. they are really talented with cardboard props. they even have a video out.

check out their site for free music and such: http://www.lordsoftherhymes.com.

the lords of the rhymes is a really good band.

by teh castle July 29, 2006

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Meme Lord

The keeper of the dankest memes around. A position given to you from the rank above, which is the Meme God aka Ronald Weasley from the Wingardium Leviosa video. The Meme Lord is 100% retarded btw.

Helloooooo....I'm the Meme Lorddd....I hold the dankest meeeeemesss

by Donny Biggums August 16, 2016

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Lord Farquad

The short king from Shrek that tries to steal and marry Fiona but ultimately fails.

Lord Farquad makes a great meme.

by Elvis Twister Penis November 26, 2018

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good lord

An effective and/or morally worthy member of the feudal aristocracy.

Robin of Locksley was a good lord, but King John was a cunt.

by Andy July 23, 2004

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Tank Lord

A short, wide, overweight girl with a funny misshaped looking body named Laura that you just have to make fun of every time you feel the earth shake when she's walking by.

Magnitude 9.0 earthquake/tsunami??? Tank Lord fell off her bed.
When the Earth shakes, there is a Tank Lord near by.
"DAMN!!! Laura Atencio is a Tank Lord"

by Foxxx Man February 26, 2012

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Lord of the Friendzone

Someone who is so obviously in the friend zone that they make jokes about being the friend zone to the person who put them in friendzone

Joseph Walker is the Lord of the Friendzone

by Lordbigman October 8, 2019

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good lord

expression of surprise

jesus!, God damn!, oh my goodness!

by Rubelise July 22, 2004

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