Source Code

little ms. sunshine

The phrase you use to call a sweet, kind, funny and playful girl.

Hey there little ms. Sunshine, any chances of me picking up your number?

by Iamdaway February 4, 2018

Ms. Mowell

Wish Watch

"Put you phone away," Ms. Mowell said aloud

by yoyoballs March 15, 2022

ms. grant

A hoe that can't teach me shit in alegra

Duuuuuuddddee do you have Ms. Grant
No I have Ms. V

Some random guy: ahahaha Ms. Grant is divorced

by Pooponthesinklikecheese November 10, 2019

ms. lebal

That fat and ugly teacher that takes her job way too fucking far.

Oh shit, here comes ms. Lebal, I’d rather see a Karen right now.

by sub2HunterPlays Games January 28, 2020

Ms. McCuster

A ELA teacher who has blonde hair and like to joke around

Yooooo my teacher is Ms. McCuster she so cool

by Yuiataken December 15, 2021

Tejada MS

A school for bitches, they're all white and do drugs and think they're the shit. Nobody really likes them except themselves.

That kid from Tejada MS-
Stop we don't like them

by Jdbekbxh November 7, 2019

Strong Vincent MS

A place for the most elite, epic gamers. It is also home to many retards, thots, and simps.
Think of it as one huge gang. Members enjoy doing JoJo Poses for fun.
You have ranks in Strong Vincent MS. These ranks are: Cool, Shit, Elite, Weeb, Thot, Simp, Funny, or Dog Water
Most people are Weebs and Elite. Our leaders range from total dicks to epic gamers.
The meaning of the "MS" is still a secret to most of the members.

Yo, you seen the new member of Strong Vincent MS?
Watch out for Maria, she is Shit and a Simp.

by Fumetsu Fox January 4, 2021