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Icespice: Someone who is obsessed with you, or it could be a hater.. either way they still obsessed with you.

You thought I was feeling you??? That n***** on munch

by Real words.. November 11, 2022


a fatass eating too much they gotta be called munch

(that n***a a munch)

by therealmunch69 January 23, 2023


A munch is the ultimate living weapon he can woo any ladies he wants with a smoulder. He is very strong and fast you will never see him coming. When he wants something he will stop at nothing to get it. Some people believe that he is apart of the supernatural and is more connected to the universe than any one.

Oh shit look it’s a fucking munch

by Ultimate weapon munch February 23, 2019



You thought I was feeling you? That bih a munch

by Gerardinho September 28, 2022


someone who gives oral sex and is used for nothing more

girl, he gave me head and i left.
that nigga a munch

by JxshVII December 7, 2022


A much is a nigga whose only purpose is to eat a girls punani even tho the girl dont feel shii for hin

Yo did u heard ? that nigga luke is fucking with steisy

Nah bro that nigga a munch

by Lord Dimitri September 14, 2022


When a male is corny and broke

Don’t fuck with him he’s a munch

This munch stole my Foodstamps

by doughzah September 9, 2022