Source Code

Spring Break

The only way CSI: Miami had something to do their show on.

Im not going to spring break in west palm this year, i dont wanna be on that stupid show again.

by Rlvers March 11, 2011

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Bio Break

A business term for taking a break, frequently for restroom needs. Was adapted as β€˜bio’ to imply a larger spectrum of potential needs such as making a phone call, snack run, etc. While simply using the term β€˜break’. Itself would seem sufficient, the term’bio break’ adds a sense of necessity to its invocation which is typically unplanned .

My last meeting ran long, Jim .. Let’s start in five minutes so I can take a quick bio break.

by Sharp Pencils November 11, 2017

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Breaking Wind


"But can you smell me?*
"I was breaking wind asshole!"

by I Am A Fucking Asshole September 2, 2016

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Day Break

When an office worker turns on their computer for the day then walks away for over two hours. Thus, looking like you are at work while sleeping in a basement room.

Joan: I haven’t seen Dan yet this morning but his computer has been on. Is he here?

George: He got wasted last night. He is probably on a day break. We won’t see him until this afternoon.

by Stinky MacBurr June 23, 2009

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xbox break

when someone decides to stop an activity in order to play xbox.
a negative or a morbid person takes frequent xbox breaks.
this usless break could be avoided all together if the person is outside

" hey brandon, if your done with your home work, would you wanna come out and skate?"

"Im taking an xbox break then i have a little more to do"

by domforthemasses February 4, 2009

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clean break

When you wipe your arse after a shit, and you can get straight after it.

"that was quick"
"yeah, clean break"

by shitmaster October 10, 2004

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the break up

when you want to break up with your boyfriend, but dont know how, give him a hand job. and when he jizzes, slap it on his face and tell him you're done.

i performed "the break up" with my ex boyfriend because i didnt know how else to do it

by schroeder6 July 8, 2009

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