A person who runs a drugs business better than the cartel but he has little to no friends
I got the weed from stoner the loner
Thomas Stoner is a moron
Guy 1: What’d you think of Thomas Stoner?
Guy 2: He’s a moron
(Noun) a stoner who creates or builds whilst under the influence of marijuanna.
He's a MacGuyver stoner, he built a water pipe out of Legos and cheese.
When you let your friend smoke a bowl while you stay sober so you can take them on adventures and drive them around.
"What are you up to today?"
"Not much, just taking my stoner pet for a drive".
A delicious food made by cooking a bread product (or a similar delicacy such as Tostino's Pizza Rolls) in a toaster oven and topping it with a foodstufs that sounds good in theory but not always in practice.
Dude I got cheesy garlic bread and imitation lobstermeat in the freezer we gotta make stoner toast.
A married or dedicated couple who collectively enjoy marijuana and its effects.
Ryan and Dakota, the Set in Stoners of the neighborhood, celebrate their anniversary every year with a couple of joints.
A person that is always in a state of superposition in which he is either about to smoke, currently smoking or just finished smoking. Until you ask you must assume that they is all 3 at the same time
Once you smoke more than an oz a week one achieves the status of Schrodingers Stoner