When anyone who knows a few Spanish words tries to impress a Latino while talking by throwing in words like culo, and donde esta.
I don't speak Spanish, I just know a few words, I speak Tard Latin.
What the teenagers are using now, also known as fidget spinners. Originally used for kids with ADD ADHD
Look at Jimmy's new tard spinner
A name you can call someone who does better than you in a game to accuse them of cheating. This can be used whether you actually think someone cheated or not.
Sarah, how did you get ahead of me you cheat tard!?
A Buness Tard is another name for a jobby especially a large one.
Aidan dropped a big Buness Tard down the pan
an episode of full on stupidity, nonsense, and basically full on retard behavior
“i was so hyper this morning i was on straight tard mode”
“bro those xans always got him on tard mode”
A Millarde Tard m'lärd tärd is a person who automatically thinks someone is bad or has ill intentions simply because of one's wealth.
What a millarde tard, he doesn't even know him and he's already accusing the millionaire neighbor of being part of some terrorist organization.
App-tarded: People age 45 and older that can't handle smartphones and apps or have a fear of them and stubbornly continue to use flip phones with over-sized number keys.
Don't be app-tarded. He app-tardedly and le his new smartphone, struggling to exist in the 21st century.