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Soccer Mom

a usually white, overly-rich, insecure jerk that hovers over her kids like helicopter moms. she usually forces her kids to attend some afterschool activity such as soccer (duh) or ballet. her kids are "little angels" and she loves them more than anything while in real life she probably wants to punch them in the face non stop. the soccer mom's looks usually range from -10 to 6. the are usually seen wearing some ugly exercise clothes, and driving some big-ass, ugly SUV or van when the only have one or two kids. soccer moms are the main cause of ESRB, the V-Chip, iPhones, tracking devices, drunk husbands, car accidents, traffic jams, bad parking, and asshole kids. when they come into contact with you, they will seem very nice and polite, but the seccond you turn around, they will say something bad about you and be jealous. also, most of them have southern accents and live in north carolina or any redneck state.

every time i go to school, there is a swarm of ugly Chevy suburbans, ford explorers, Cadillac escalades and any other overweight car. inside these cars are angry depressed women (Soccer Mom) abusing their kids and bitching them around

by lucasthegreat January 21, 2013

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Mom Face

It's when an attractive young adult a female has a worn out expression due to children, or if the young female has a worn out look in general.

Did you see Karen? She's hot, but she has a Mom face which is a little bit of a turnoff.

by Tribal_Warfare December 27, 2010

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bloxburg mom

a Roblox stereotype of girls who call themselves "aesthetic" and play bloxburg.

they are either super sweet or super annoying & stuck up. other games that they might play include adopt me, tower of hell, & more - they can pretty much be found everywhere.

has usernames like "fairyxglcw" and "auraglow", something along those lines.

being a bloxburg mom doesn't mean you have to play bloxburg, it's just a stereotype of girls who do.

they most likely have youtube channels or Roblox tiktok accounts and idolize the youtuber Faeglow.
they wear pastel colors, community creations hair, & freckles face/default face/squiggle mouth.

they look like remixes of each other, & if you see one in a server then there is a high chance there will be like 10 more of them in the server.

sorry, I don't make the rules <3

fairyxglcw: omg hey girly! <3

auraglow: hiii! ugh I really need to change my avatar

fairyxglcw: sksksks stan faeglow!
Person 1: this server is flooded with those girls, why do they all look the same-
Person 2: LMAO they're literally bloxburg moms, they are everywhere
Person 1: they need to go back to bloxburg

by h4rrysty1esgf August 8, 2020

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mom agro

When your mother gets mad at you for playing an MMORPG.

Mom: Get off that fucking computer
Killa: Ok....
Killa(Ingame): Sorry guys brb MOM AGRO!
Mom: Fucking now i said!

by Killa78 June 20, 2007

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your mom

1) the answer for any and every question.

2) what you say when there is nothing better to say.

3) only the greatest insult ever.

4) a phrase that is a target for lame jokes

1) Date:"So,what do you want for dinner tonight. Pizza or Tacos?"

You: "Your Mom"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2) Science Nerd:"Did you know the mosquitoes mate upside down?"

You: "So does Your Mom."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3) Girlfriend:"Baby, I Love You."

You:"That may be the case but I love Your Mom."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4) Your Mom is so stupid she thought that fruit punch was a gay boxer.

by Milli Rillows Movies April 24, 2008

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soccer mom

A suburban mom in her 30s or 40s who drives a giant ass SUV, drives her 2 or 3 kids to soccer practice and tapes episodes of Oprah. They enjoy singing to crappy songs in the car with their kids and eat that sh!t they have at McDonalds because their too damn lazy to cook dinner.

Dude 1: Is that your mom's SUV
Dude 2: Yeah!
Dude 1: Your mom's a soccer mom!
Dude 2: No sh!t player

by Brendj3 July 2, 2006

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Boss mom

Simply put, a Boss Mom is a โ€œCookie Lyon.โ€ She's an ambitious, highly driven, fierce, and outspoken mother who gets the job done, whether the job is being a homemaker, a stay at home mom, a career woman, a working mom, or mompreneur

Boss mom gets shit done all by herself!

by Boss mom March 7, 2017

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