Used to order a flight (5 oz pour) of every beer on tap at the establishment.
Patron: I'would like to Fly the Taps.
Waiter: Uh...What?
Patron: I would like one flight of every beer on tap. I would like to Fly the Taps.
When you hover your penis like a dragonfly over a girls face with her tongue out and then let it hit tongue and to back up like a dragonfly lands
I got to give my girl a dragonfly tap last night
1: your g who is extremely sus
2: your talking to your friend and showing them a tapped person
"see dat man he is a tapped g"
"that man is tapped g"
An erectile enhancement drug similar to viagra, except in the form of a drink.
Leon Black hooked me up with this thing called Tap Water and me and girl been goin' all night.
A "low five" invented by a Cannabis connoisseur known as "Charlie" whereas the downward "five" is executed with then retracted as quickly possible with a severe lack of the force expected when receiving a "high five".
(It can also be used in a sideways variation)
Know how I can tell he's tired? He gave you the 'Charlie Tap'.
A person you casually have sex with.
Bitch on the side.
Frank: What's going on with you and that girl?
Joe: She comes by sometimes, just a "casual tap"