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Did you get your homework done

Phrase your friend utters when he didn't get his homework done and wants to copy yours.

Jared: "Hey Jew Fro, did you get your homework done?"

Me: "Yeah, why?"

Jared: "Can I copy it. I was up all night playing Call of Duty."

Me: "I suppose."

by pfleeger2010 February 21, 2011

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

my parents did me dirty

So, my parents did me dirty means that, in most cases, your parents think they are good to even excellent parents. However, letโ€™s be absolutely real here. They were not. They were narcissists. They neglected you. They subjected you to abuse. They stood by and did not care when you were sexually abused. That kind of bullshit.

So, Iโ€™m in intensive therapy as my parents did me dirty. Iโ€™m so fucked up that I got caught sucking dick out by the McDonaldโ€™s dumpster with a man that just got out of prison.

by Purplenado March 7, 2023

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But wait, did Adolph hit her?

A clever saying that rhymes with "Adolph Hitler".

"Have you ever met Adolph's wife?"

"No, but I've seen her pictures on Facebook, she had this fat bruise."

"But wait, did Adolph hit her?"

by I'm not a troll December 6, 2011

2๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

we did a little too much trolling

When โ€œwe do a little trolling,โ€ but we end up taking it too far and something goes wrong.

Shit man...I think we did a little too much trolling

by Spicyspectrum March 30, 2021

8๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

why did willy show his wonka?

willy showed his wonka do to the circumstances of being very VERY! drunk at a partay amongst oompa loompas dancing to single ladys preformed by Beyonce Knowles, Thats when by wardrobe malfuntion his wonka sliped out and into a poor oompa loompas "OOMPA". That poor fella was never quite the same again.

why did willy show his wonka?

by The bloody tampons June 12, 2011

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you didn't listen to the album, did ya?

someone has no idea what the situation is about, but still has the urge to put their oar in.

Niall: โ€œwhatโ€™s your favorite song of the album?โ€
Fan: โ€œwhat a timeโ€
Niall: โ€œ you didn't listen to the album, did ya? โ€

by whoran June 5, 2021

did you drink my mtn dew

One that you have let smell your breath

Did you drink my mtn dew lemme smell your breath

by Hahahahahahahaha v420 December 1, 2020