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Harrison knight

Someone who's feet smels and is ugly because they are a twin

Harrison knight has smelly feet

by snaplol March 21, 2023

The Harrison Ford Effect

A common phenomenon where a person's most famous artwork, video, movie role, or other creation/appearance in media is incidentally their least favorite, and the person in question inevitably grows to hate said work as it becomes the sole thing they are known for.

The term is named after actor Harrison Ford, who has famously expressed his distaste for the Star Wars franchise after decades of only ever being seen as "the guy who played Han Solo."

A: "John setting his YouTube video to 'private' is just another case of the Harrison Ford effect. He's ready to move on from it."
B: "But it had over a million views!"
A: "That doesn't mean he enjoys hearing about it all the time."

by TSwany August 10, 2022

Harrison Hinchey

A really angry and mad guy. He will find love and will always love to fight ad play games. He loves food more than most people. He may hate many people but he is good to have as a friend.P.S Dont get him angry

We have a Harrison Hinchey we dont need security.

by Ranchos January 29, 2019

Harrison Yardley

Some weird looking pedophile who is also shit at fortnite

Oh shit I’ve just seen a Harrison yardley he was propa looking at me balls

by NigletFaggot November 16, 2017

alex harrison

a mysterious critter who doesn’t like bacon.

hey, alex harrison is looking extra queer today

by JoanneHelium312 June 6, 2023

justin luke harrison

One that walks too funny because they have had too many dicks in the ass .

Tom: why is she walking so funny

Jerry: she just got Justin Luke Harrisoned

by Dildo_shwaghins April 1, 2018

1👍 1👎

Harrison curry

This is a boy that is kind and wants to help everyone even when times are tough for them. A Harrison can be good at hiding how upset they are by something so you never really know what’s going on With them

That Harrison Curry is secretly depressed

by Jay-v-1567 May 30, 2020