God in it’s purest form
Also the bonus Jonas brother
Person 1: Omg did you see frankie jonas on Tiktok?!?
Person 2: You mean God?
The Jonas‘ phenomenon describes a communicative device which can also be seen as a character trait. It defines a statement/testimony which is expressed in the opposite way of its original meaning, without an ironic emphasis. When looking at the intention's of its use, those are not always clear.
One can use the Jonas’ phenomenon to create an illusion of liking someone.
When you are Mointain Dew addicted and have to many Bottles lying in your room.
I'm drinking so much Mointain Dew im being a jonas.
Dude, youre drinking so much Mointain Dew, you're being such a jonas
Jonas Jordalen is so insanely atracctive and he has the biggest penis in the world it’s so massive and he has the sharpest jawline of everyone in the whole world.
Boy: OMG Jonas Jordalen is making me gay with his huge penis.
Girl: Yeah he is so hot
The Jonas Brothers are one of the best bands ever. There are three members: Nick Jonas, Joe Jonas, and Kevin Jonas.
Sister: Omg I am such a Kevin girl!
Me, the gay one: Omg Joe is so hot.
Both of us: The Jonas Brothers are everything!
I can already hear the 14-year-old white girls.
Everyone else is dead.
The door's integrity is being weakened more and more.
They're here.
The Jonas Brothers is going to be the cause of World War III.
The Jonas Brothers are the most amazing human beings on planet earth. They care a lot about there fans and they are back and happier than ever. So do not insult them or do anything thing mean to the or else the whole Jonas fandom will come after you.
Person 1: I love the Jonas Brothers and I can’t wait to go to there concert.
Person 2: I can’t wait either I don’t know how people could not like them.
Person 3: I hate them
Jonas fans: Go get a life we can’t even look at you