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Fountain Show

The act of ejaculating in unison with a minimum of 2 male partners to create an artistic aerodesign.

Holy Shit! Did you see that fountain show? It was comparable to Old Faithful!

by MushroomSoup October 6, 2010

atte show

a show that lies about the genre while having permission to do so

yo, i just watched a comedy atte show and it was actually a scary horror!

by dictonaryboy May 23, 2023

Sheep Show

To take a person to the sheep show is to fool them, to take advantage of their ignorance, to pull the wool over their eyes.

"Dude, you bought a Lexus and the salesman talked you into buying the undercoating?? That guy took you to the sheep show!"

by Face Pepler September 23, 2016

The Charles Show

Some tech motherfucker who uploads epic videos on YouTube

Person 1: Who is your favorite YouTuber?
Person 2: My favorite YouTuber is the Charles Show!
Person 1: What type of content does that guy make?
Person 2: Tech videos
Person 1: Ok.
Person 2: h
Person 1: bruh

by zz3ultimate April 17, 2020

Showing tail

As compared to “show & tell” when a person wears a short skirt or shorts that are so small that their buttocks hang out.

I noticed there’s a new girl that moved in next-door and she’s showing tail all over the place little skank!

by Suzy home-maker April 14, 2023

The Artun Show

The Artun Show is a very well created YouTube show by a channel known as Steven Porter. This show was then changed to the F****ot Show after Artun flew to Las Vegas.

"Let's go watch The Artun Show!"

"No, KYS."

by hgjfltkudchfcg October 25, 2017

the rech show

A player on the GP Lakers, who scores a bunch of BS points, but has some sweet points. Commom person who cherry picks.
Rech Show+ Lake Show= Success

Smurf- The Rech Show went of with 16 BS points against the Hawks
Pat- Of course he is meant to start, and cherry pick and ball hog

by theswagmasterstealyourgirl December 21, 2016