It is basically a modular Telegram Python bot running on python3 with a sqlalchemy database and an entirely themed this bot actually have newly feature and its best for your group.
missmarvel bot its a example of good bots in telegram
He is a trash bot sucks at Fortnite and his friends are 10x better than him
ALAN a bot is a famous phrase said to people named Alan that is told often when they play fortnite
A social bot is an agent that talks autonomously on social media, usually trying to influencing the course of discussion and/or the opinions of its readers.
These Social Media bots are in all the comment sections.
A human that is worse than AI at every game
Your such a saf baf da bot. Or whyd you do that you saf baf da bot
on this day (april 3rd) usage of moderation-based discord bots is strictly forbidden. Usage of non-moderation bots however is still allowed.
mod: d!warn @user
bot: user has been warned
user: its discord anti bot day you cant do that
mod: oh right
A BOT-mole sent into information systems to explore the Roles played by PR & Mass Mind-Manipulation in Public Domain communications
They sent a PRole-e-BOT 'Fact Checker' into the Article which determined it was Bull*SHITE* pure and simple : Village Idiot Grade.
A Chinese infiltrator who works for the CCP.
That new Chinese foreign exchange student looks like a Chicom bot!